Death – Deeply Misunderstood

Death – Deeply Misunderstood

Scanning through the Newspaper, I came across a half page obituary. It said of how much his loved ones missed him.

This got me thinking. I found myself asking the age-old question; ‘What is Death?’

Almost each and every person, asks himself this question, at least once in his life. Some think it’s a process by which we move on to a higher consciousness, while others are sure that it’s ‘just’ death, with no continuation.

Many times I have noticed people in tears after a death, and rejoicing after a birth; as a kid I could barely understand this, why didn’t people bid farewell with the same smile they welcomed a new life in? Pondering over it, I just wouldn’t like people feeling bad after my time. It would be way much better if they just said goodbye and got on with their lives.

Though I had this idea of welcoming & bidding farewell to life with a smile, I just couldn’t help feeling bad for the deceased. After a death, we hear family and relatives saying something like “A part of me died today.”

Then it suddenly dawned on me; birth, death, do these things really exist or are they just figments of our imagination, small and feeble partitions to allow the simple human mind of understand the great cycle of life?

A continuous cell cycle is divided into prophase, metaphase etc, have we also divided the continuous process of evolution into birth and death.

Some philosophers tell us that there is life after death, and the deceased continue to live in the hearts of loved ones. But can this be taken in literally sense?

Even looking from a scientific aspect , I think it can; when they meant living in the hearts of loved ones, could they meant the DNA of the deceased, which still lives on it the hearts of their kids.

We all know, DNA plays a very fundamental and vital role in determining who we are, both physically and mentally. So can it be said that the ‘dead’ person literally lives on the ‘heart’ of his family?

Recently, we have new studies cropping up that the DNA, can store genetic memories. So it possible when a person dies, his DNA through his offspring’s body is witnessing his own death and is unable to bear it?

But looking from another aspect, even we humans are basically nothing different from those micro amoebas. In their case one parent cell, splits into two daughter cells. Can this be called death for the Parent cell? No, of course it can’t. The parent cell is now living a brand new life in two different bodies instead of one.

Similarly when there is a death in the family, the pain we experience , is it the one that comes from emotion and loss or, does it come from watching a ‘Part of yourself die?’

So many questions..... and yet a very few answers...

2009 - Nostalgia

I have started writing this post at 8.26, I will most probably complete writing this before 12.00pm.
I'm not in a right atmosphere to write a post, anyway I still gotta write. I have Christmas Carols playing on iTunes ; Chatting with my friends, and uploading my movie into you tube, all at the same time.

It feels like just yesterday, I was messaging everybody a Happy New Year 2009, now I'm doing 2010!!!

This has been a great year, I got through my 10th Class board with 92%, and joined Kendriya Vidyala No.1 Tirupati for my High school. I made great friends, who are literally from all over India.

Then in my summer vacation, I went to Australia, my first trip abroad. It was fun and I did a couple of things like cliff climbing, which I've never attempted before.

Then once back home, I had nothing to do except study. Months rolled by with mostly ups and a few downs.

I went through all my exams, pretty well, except for my second unit test, where i came down a bit. Finally our winter vacation started. We had our Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Alumni today on the 31st Dec 2009. I couldn't get any snaps, 'cause my camera malfunctioned.
Today after a long gap I met one of my best friends.

So I've come home after the Alumni, and I'm waiting for the clock to strike 12.00 .. adios

Farewell Mininova

In a big move against P2P Sharing, The Dutch government, a few days ago literally shut down one of the leading peer to peer file sharing sites. Mininova has been a beacon for all the torrent users once ended in 2004 due to legality issues.

Unlike Mininova, Piratebay is maintaining a strong presence, despite threats to forcibly shut it down. Mininova used to have more than 5 million users daily, but now due to availabilty of only legal stuff, this number is sure to plummet.

I clearly saw how much the site meant to people from all around the globe.

Many are confident that a new file sharing site, is bound to rise out of the ashes of mininova.
Bitenova, sharereactor and many other sites are now gaining importance.

Unable to persecute the downloaders from all over the world, the coursts have focused their
attention of shutting down the websites themselves.This recent
bid to shut down P2P sharing sites, seems to be fueled by the crashing down of sales of music
albums, movies, software and what not. However the courts fail to realize that, P2P network is
almost impossible to shut down, if one is closed down, two of them spring up. Many people I
know are literally devastated by this. This is the the worst thing that happened after there was
a rumor that pirate bay was becoming paid.

When software companies stop asking for $10,000 for what might be excellent code in a packaged box and got "reasonable" with 100% downloaded products; when music and movie companies start streaming new content directly to TVs and computers for a reasonable fee and make the media available 24/7; when ALL global TV shows are available via a large database for anyone to watch at anytime and anywhere . . . then maybe - just maybe P2P will cease to exist.
The costs, however good the software might be, have to be within a range... come on I wouldn't definitely like to pay 700$ for any software products, though they are really good. Give them for 70$, I'll buy one and gift two to my friends.
It's time the RIAA loosens up, and allows live and low streaming of movies or songs. The packaged media industry is dying. We don't want for free, but for a more reasonable cost.

I have been using Mininova for the past many years, It is one of the best ones out there. Free of viruses, and quality is always maintained.

So I bid thee Farewell Mininova. May your ideals be reborn as several other good sharing sites.

Statistics as of 24 November 2009:

  • Total torrents in database: 1,316,806
  • Total torrent downloads: 10,062,351,935

Statistics as of 26 November 2009:

  • Total torrents in database: 8,859
  • Total torrent downloads: Sure to go down to single digits.

First Time Blogging

Hey everyone, this is my first time blogging. I'm still trying to work out all the features. Hopefully I'll be able to start blogging efficiently in a few days.

I'm writing this blog mainly so that I'll be free to express my views, and of course exercise my right to speak [:P] I'll be able to talk my mind here, by forging a new e-personality ,I guess?
